Presentation Accepted at ArcticCrypt 2025 just below the North Pole

Systematization of Knowledge (SoK): A Comprehensive Survey on Post-Quantum TLS

In collaboration with Johannes Müller (CNRS/INRIA Nancy) and Jan Oupický (University of Luxembourg), Nouri Alnahawi and Alexander Wiesmaier from the ACSD group got their IACR CiC Journal paper accepted for a presentation at ArcticCrypt 2025 in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Longyearbyen is located at 78 degrees North, halfway between the northernmost point of Norway and the north pole! The journal paper was published in the second issue of the very first volume IACR Communications in Cryptology journal in 2024.



Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the backbone security protocol of the Internet. As this fundamental protocol is at risk from future quantum attackers, many proposals have been made to protect TLS against this threat by implementing post-quantum cryptography (PQC). The widespread interest in post-quantum TLS has given rise to a large number of solutions over the last decade. These proposals differ in many aspects, including the security properties they seek to protect, the efficiency and trustworthiness of their post-quantum building blocks, and the application scenarios they consider, to name a few.

Based on an extensive literature review, we classify existing solutions according to their general approaches, analyze their individual contributions, and present the results of our extensive performance experiments. Based on these insights, we identify the most reasonable candidates for post-quantum TLS, which research problems in this area have already been solved, and which are still open. Overall, our work provides a well-founded reference point for researching post-quantum TLS and preparing TLS in practice for the quantum age.



Nouri Alnahawi, Johannes Müller, Jan Oupický, and Alexander Wiesmaier, "A Comprehensive Survey on Post-Quantum TLS," IACR Communications in Cryptology, vol. 1, no. 2, Jul 08, 2024, doi: 10.62056/ahee0iuc.



Prof. Dr. Christoph Krauß

Kommunikation Schöfferstraße 10
64295 Darmstadt
Büro: D19, 3.07


Prof. Dr. Alexander Wiesmaier

Kommunikation Schöfferstraße 10
64295 Darmstadt
Büro: D19, 2.09


Cyber Security