Post-quantum cryptography for automotive components

Post-quantum cryptography for automotive components

The aim of the project is to promote the use of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) and crypto-agility in the automotive sector and to establish secure procedures and methods in practice.

In addition to the PQC methods selected by NIST, the consortium is also investigating ready-to-use standardized methods such as XMSS, as well as lightweight cryptographic and other quantum-resistant methods.

The consortium consists of established partners from the automotive industry, its suppliers and universities. These partners have extensive expertise in industrial applications and science. The aim is to apply the PQC methods currently in the NIST standardization process to the automotive sector. Future architectures, protocols and migration strategies will also be evaluated by NIST and BSI.

A strong motivation for the use of PQC and crypto-agility in the automotive sector is also the regulatory guideline UNECE R155, which has stipulated a long-term security concept for vehicle approvals since mid-2022.

In addition to long-term security through PQC, crypto-agility is crucial in order to be able to react quickly to unexpected threats or vulnerabilities in cryptographic primitives, protocols or their implementations. The procedures must be easily updatable to ensure permanent and secure operation. This requires not only technological solutions, but also operational and process concepts to protect vehicles throughout their lifecycle.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Krauß

Prof. Dr. Alexander Wiesmaier


Head of Research
Prof. Dr. Christoph Krauß

Communication Schöfferstraße 10
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D19, 3.07


Head of Research
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wiesmaier

Communication Schöfferstraße 10
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D19, 2.09
