Academic Staff

Here you can find an overview of our academic staff. As there is no budget for non-professorial teaching staff at our university, all these members of staff are financed by third-party funds. This underlines the successful acquisition of third-party funded projects at our department.

Nouri Alnahawi

Educational Area
PhD Student - Applied Cyber-Security

Communication Office: D19, 2.15

Short profile

Portrait: Alnahawi, Nouri
Sven Appel



Portrait: Appel, Sven
Malte Bauch

Communication Office: D21, 00.06


Portrait: Bauch, Malte
Daniel Fischer

Educational Area

Communication Office: D19, 2.02


Portrait: Fischer, Daniel
Adriatik Gashi



Portrait: Gashi, Adriatik
Lázaro Janier González-Soler

Communication Office: D19, 02.01


Portrait: González-Soler, Lázaro Janier
Jannis Hamborg



Portrait: Hamborg, Jannis
Johanna Henrich

Communication Office: D19, 02.05

Own website

Portrait: Henrich, Johanna
Mathias Ibsen

Communication Office: D19, 2.02


Portrait: Ibsen, Mathias
Dominic Oliver Koschitzki



Portrait: Koschitzki, Dominic Oliver