Boards and Committees

Department Council

The Department Council (FBR) is the most important committee at departmental level and deals with issues such as enacting study and examination regulations, co-ordinating research projects or determining the structure and development plan.

Examination Board (according to ABPO)

The Examination Board deals with all issues relevant to examinations such as compliance with the examination regulations and transfer of credits.

Committee for Academic Affairs

The Committee for Academic Affairs is responsible for developing and further enhancing our study programmes and prepares the release of new modules.

It is chaired by the Dean for Academic Affairs.

Award Committee

The Award Committee awards prizes to students for outstanding achievements.

The Evaluation Committee's origin dates back to the Department Council's resolution from 4 October 2005. The committee aims at enhancing the study conditions and curricula at our department. Once a semester students are invited to evaluate lectures anonymously by completing questionaires, thus giving direct feedback to the lecturers.

Once a year, the Electoral Board organises the university-wide elections at the department.

Re-Accreditation Team

The Re-Accreditation Team prepares upcoming accreditations for our study programmes. For further information please visit

Notice for department members

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