Software Engineering

The Software Engineering Group of the Department of Computer Science develops and coordinates the course offerings and research activities in the field of software engineering.
The interests and research focuses of the department are, among others, in the areas of software quality, software development and software modeling.


In addition to the compulsory Bachelor's courses Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Software Engineering, the members of the department offer various (elective) courses in the department's Bachelor's and Master's programmes and other departments


  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Software Engineering in Industrial Practice
  • Principles of Quality Management
  • Component-Oriented Software Development
  • Advanced Testing

Master Computer Science

  • Software Architecture
  • Software Product Line Engineering
  • Quality Management
  • Requirements Engineering and Management
  • Integration Architectures and Technologies

Laboratories and Infrastructure

The courses in the field of software engineering take place mainly in the CASE-Laboratory in D14 2.11 or as notebook internship.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Ruehl

Communication Office: D15, 00.06

Short profile


Prof. Dr. Urs Andelfinger

Short profile

Prof. Dr. Frank Bühler

Short profile

Prof. Dr. Alexander del Pino

Short profile

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hahn

Short profile

Lukas Köhler

Short profile

Prof. Dr. Kai Renz

Short profile