Modules and Courses
Course Offer
The Department of Computer Science offers a great variety of modules/courses in english not just at bachelor’s but also at master’s level. The department promotes and encourages its students to learn and work in English, so there probably won't be any problems regarding a speech barrier and you will have an easy time fitting in. Below you can find an overview of the modules the department offers and the courses that are taught this semester. Please bear in mind that we finalise our course offerings very late, that is 1 to 2 months before a semester begins.
English Modules
- Offerings of courses in english (also in the previous terms)
- List of all Modules (including module descriptions)
- List of Bachelor Modules taught in English
- List of Master Modules taught in English
- Module Description of all offered Bachelor modules (language mainly german and some in english, machine translated from german into english)
- Module Description of all offered Master modules (language mainly german and some in english, machine translated from german into english)
English Courses and Schedules
- Bachelor Schedules (courses taught in English this semester)
- Master Schedules (courses taught in English this semester)
If you intend to write your thesis in Darmstadt, please inform us well in advance on your topic, so we can match you with a supervisor.
Learning Agreement
To prepare your stay here at our department, you will be asked to fill in a learning agreement with your course choice. Below you will find general information that helps you when preparing your learning agreement:
- Modules (Modul) consist of one or more courses (Lehrveranstaltung) and a course is always part of a module.
- A course can be a lecture (Vorlesung), seminar (Seminar), lab (Labor), or project (Projekt).
There are electronic module descriptions with comprehensive information on each course offered here at our department. You can find them in the OBS, our Online Booking System. Here you can also check out our schedules (Stundenplan) and which courses are offered in the winter semester and summer semester respectively. Schedules are usually published shortly before lectures start.
Once in Darmstadt, you do not have to fix your course choice on the very first day. At the beginning of each semester, we'll organise a Meet and Greet for our exchange students where you get the latest information on our courses offered. We also help you with any questions concerning the course registration and our Online Booking System OBS. Then go and attend the classes you are interested in and discuss any doubts with the lecturers. They can assist and inform you on the course requirements concerning language and examination procedures. Discuss your course choice with our International Academic Coordinators and have them sign your learning agreement.
"OBS" and Exam Registration
OBS is the Online Booking System for students at the Department of Computer Science. You will use it to register for your courses and exams. It is very important for your studies here at our department, so go and get acquainted with its features!
Language Courses and "SuK"
Every semester our Language Centre offers a wide variety of courses in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German as Foreign Language. In addition to the German Intensive Course (4 ECTS) for exchange students at the beginning of the semester, you can take German classes and Intercultural Communication during the semester (2.5 - 4 ECTS). h_da also offers so-called “SuK” classes covering topics in the field of social and cultural sciences. These courses are organised by the Department of Social Sciences and are open to students from all departments.
In order to participate in language courses and SuK classes, please register via QIS.
Transcript of Records
You can see and print your results anytime via OBS. At the end of your semester abroad, we will issue your official Transcript of Records and send it to your home university. It documents your academic performance during your exchange period at h_da.
Examination Office
Schöfferstraße 8b
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D14, 0.09
Short profile
Schöfferstraße 8b
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D14, 00.09
Educational Area