Frequently asked questions



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  • How much is tuition, is there financial aid, how do I apply, where can I stay, how do I get a visa… Why should I come to Darmstadt at all?

    For the answers to almost all of your questios, see the web pages of our International Office. They have information about everything which does not have to do only with the Computer Science Department!

    You can find there, for example:

  • Does the CS Department offer courses in English?

    Yes, we strive to offer at least a “full load” (30 ECTS  credit points) of courses in English at both the Undergraduate and the Master’s level.

  • What courses do you offer in English?

    See our Course Handbook for a list of approved courses, but please note that not all of these courses are offered in any given semester. 

  • Yes, but what courses do you offer next Semester, or the semester after that?

    Unfortunately, we finalize our course offerings very late, 3 to 6 months before a semester begins.

    Please contact the International Team for current information. If you are attending one of our partner universities, ask your international coordinator – we try to keep our partners informed.

  • Does the CS Department have English-language Degree programs? Can I earn a Bachelors (or a Master’s) Degree entirely in English?

    Not at this time.

    Until 2017, we offered an English-language Masters named JIM, the Joint International Masters, but that program is closed and no longer accepts applicants. 
    We do however offer double degrees for students from some of our partner universities

  • I have a question which is not here!

    Have you checked our Incomings Page? Have you checked the pages of the International Office
    And we still haven’t answered your question?
    In that case, please contact the International Team at  internationalrelations.fbi(at)

More FAQs

The International Office also has an FAQ with answers to general (not CS specific) questions.



International Academic Advisor

Prof. Dr. Thomas Horsch

Communication Office: D14, 1.08

Short profile

Prof. Dr. Ronald Charles Moore

Communication Office: D15, 204

Short profile

Examination Office

Jelena Kljucevic

Communication Schöfferstraße 8b
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D14, 0.09

Short profile

Kerstin Lehmann

Communication Schöfferstraße 8b
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D14, 00.09


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