Prof. Dr. Stefan Valentin
Educational Area
Mobile Netzwerke / mobile networks
n. V. / by appointment
- Prüfungsausschussvorsitzender

Stefan Valentin (ORCID) is Professor for Mobile Networks at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, where he is chairman of the examination board, head of the 5GLab and co-founder of the research group Networking Technologies. His algorithmic research contributed mostly to indoor localization and resource allocation in mobile networks. Stefan’s algorithms are deployed in mobile networks around the world and more than 30 patent applications have been filed for them. His research papers have been cited more than 3000 times and have received various awards. Stefan is a member of the IEEE, founded the Steinbeis Center for Wireless Technologies as well as the startup Industrial Radio Systems.
Journals and magazines
- P. Ferrand, M. Amara, S. Valentin, and M. Guillaud, “Trends and challenges in wireless channel modeling for evolving radio access,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 93–99, Jul. 2016.
- M. Kasparick, R. Cavalcante, S. Valentin, S. Stanczak, and M. Yukawa, “Kernel-based adaptive online reconstruction of coverage maps with side information,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–1, Jul. 2015.
- S. Valentin, H. S. Lichte, H. Karl, G. Vivier, S. Simoens, J. Vidal, and A. Agustin, “Cooperative wireless networking beyond store-and-forward: Perspectives in PHY and MAC design,” Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 49-68, Jan. 2009.
Peer-reviewed conference papers
- D. Tsilimantos, T. Karagkioules, and S. Valentin, “Classifying flows and buffer state for YouTube’s HTTP adaptive streaming service in mobile networks,” in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys), Jun. 2018.
- S. Mekki, T. Karagkioules, and S. Valentin, “HTTP adaptive streaming with indoors-outdoors detection in mobile networks,” in Proc. Ann. Joint Conf. of the IEEE Computer Societies Workshops (INFOCOM WS), May 2017.
- A. Köpke, M. Swigulski, K. Wessel, D. Willkomm, P.T. K. Haneveld, T. Parker, O. Visser, H. S. Lichte, and S. Valentin, “Simulating Wireless and Mobile Networks in OMNeT++: The MiXiM Vision,” in Proc. Int. Workshop on OMNeT++ collocated with SIMUTools, Mar. 2008.
- D. Tsilimantos, S. Valentin, T. Karagkioules, A. Nogales-Gómez, X. Shi, and Z. Chao, “System, apparatuses and method for traffic profiling of mobile video streaming,” PCT application PCT/EP2017/062 170 filed by Huawei Technologies, May 2017.
- S. Valentin, “Coordinated transmissions in communication networks,” Patent EP2480026 filed by Alcatel-Lucent, Jan. 2011.
- S. Valentin, H. Karl, and I. Aad, “Transceiver apparatus for cooperative wireless network,” Patents EP1962456 and JP4629116 filed by NTT DoCoMo Inc., Feb. 2007.
[A slighlty more complete list of publications and patents]
- Best paper award for "A Comparative Case Study of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Algorithms in Mobile Networks", ACM NOSSDAV, Jun. 2017
- Fred W. Ellersick Prize for the article “When Cellular Meets WiFi in Wireless Small Cell Networks”, IEEE Communications Society, Jun. 2015
- KlarText: The Klaus Tschira Award for Achievements in Public Understanding of Science for the article "Wer kooperiert, funkt besser", Klaus Tschira Foundation, Oct. 2011
- Best paper award for "Implementing MAC Protocols for Cooperative Relaying: A Compiler-Assisted Approach", ACM SIMUTools, Mar. 2008
Schöfferstraße 8b
64295 Darmstadt
Office: D14, 3.06
n. V. / by appointment